Monday, October 26, 2009


Mercy is seeing someone in need and then filling the need!!!

Rockport Outreach Committee

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Children, Clinics, and Churches

Three C's Initiative

Bishop John Hopkins has asked all churches to support his emphasis of churches, clinics, and classrooms. A worthwhile project for Rockporters to support is to help the West Africa Central Conference. In Liberia, at the Camphor United Methodist School, the need is great for aid to teachers, school supplies for the children, and scholarships to students who are unable to pay school tuition. A gift, no matter how small, will greatly help the children at the Camphor United Methodist School. Mark your check advance # 12548A and drop it in the offering plate or send it to the church office.


Rockport UMC, in cooperation with Rockport Early Childhood Center, will be collecting school supplies for children in need beginning in August. These supplies will be distributed directly to schools in the Cleveland area. A collection box will be in the hallway and you can place your donations there. All types of school supplies are needed--crayons, pencils, markers, rulers, glue sticks, notebook paper, etc.

A small gift can make a difference in the life of a child and the life-giving message it offers goes beyond its monetary value. All children are our richest resource. Let's join together to provide school supplies--the "tools" for learning to children in need.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Various Outreach Opportunites

Random Act of Kindness

Volunteers Needed: Please consider signing up to help others in the congregation by doing an act of kindness in a time of need. Random Act of Kindness might include helping with a meal when a parishioner comes home from the hospital or just needs some extra help. It may be giving a ride to someone who has no transportation or is unable to drive. It could be baking and serving at a funeral reception in the church. We have an old list of volunteers and want to update this file. Sign-up on the bulletin board for one or more of these kinds acts. We will try not to call more than every other month and you can say “No” if it doesn’t suit when you are called.

Christian Education Mission Project

Vacation Bible School kicked-off our new mission project. For the year 2009-2010, we will be supporting Church World Service's Blankets program. When disaster strikes, blankets are often needed, blankets and much more: tents, food, emergency supplies. Blankets program provides blankets and many other of these desperately needed resources. Blankets are available in both winter (grey) and summer (orange) weights. If you are curious, we have a sample of each. The cost of a blanket is only $5. Please help us help CWS respond to those in need with the warmth of God's love with a blanket.

Mission Trip

Fourteen volunteers from seven different churches in the East Ohio Conference traveled to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Chatham, IL. Tina and MaryAnn were part of the team. During the week the mission team put school, health kits and flood buckets together. There were some who sewed diapers and school book bags, too. Working, eating and sleeping were done in air conditioned and comfortable surroundings. This is one mission trip that even people with physical limitations can participate. Since this is a popular mission, the weeks for 2010 are all filled. The next East Ohio Conference trip will be in April, 2011. Tina and MaryAnn are looking forward to sharing pictures and experiences with the congregation.

Thank you for supporting us with your prayers and for supporting the Center with 62 pounds of donations! Your generous donations have blessed many lives