Monday, July 12, 2010

Happenings this Summer

Rockport UMC Outreach Committee is sponsoring the "David Rice Annual Summer Picnic" on Saturday August 28th, from 11:00 A.M. --3:00 P.M.with the residents and staff at the Berea Children's Home. The picnic will be held at their outdoor camp, about 10 miles south of Berea. Volunteers, who prefer to carpool, will meet in the church parking lot at 10:30 A.M. Dennis O'Neil (440)331-3052 is the contact person for this event.We will need volunteers to grill hot dogs and hamburgers, to serve food, to bake brownies and cookies, and to help direct outdoor activities--hiking, ball games, corn-hole, and face painting. We will have plenty of opportunities to interact with the youth, who are well supervised by the home's staff. This is an enjoyable and meaningful time. Sign-up sheets for "volunteers" and "bakers" are posted on the hallway bulletin board along with directions to the camp. Please consider joining us as we "Reflect Christ in Our Community".

Rockport UMC and Rockport Early Childhood Center are collecting school supplies for children in the Cleveland area. Please place all donations in the collection box in the hallway. All types of school supplies are needed--crayons, markers, pencils, rulers, glue sticks, scissors, notebook paper, etc.All children are our richest resource. Let's join together to provide school supplies--the tools for learning--to children in need.
Walgreens has begun their "back to school" sales this week. Please "check out" the coupons and, if you are able, please purchase a few supplies for Rockport's school supply collection. A collection box is placed in the church hallway.

The men's shelter, where we donated coats this past winter, is in need of personal hygiene products. The items needed are as follows: men's underwear (all sizes), men's socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap , shampoo (travel size is preferred), shoe powder, lotion, towels, and washcloths. Please place items in the container labelled "Men's Shelter", located in the chapel hallway. Pat Ginley will deliver the donations as the box fills up. Thank you for your generosity.

The Assistance Program has suggested MACARONI AND CHEESE be collected during the month of August. All non-perishable food donations are greatly appreciated. Please place donations in the hall container labeled "Rocky River Assistnace Program." These "gifts" are a part of the Sunday Morning Offering. Volunteers are needed on Tuesday, August 17th, from 7-8:30 P.M. at the Beach Education Center on Detroit Road to help sort and pack groceries. Youth are able to earn "community hours" for their school programs. A sign-up sheet is posted on the hall bulletin board. If you have questions, please call MaryAnn Ratica