Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bearea Children Home Valentine Party

Have you got cabin fever? Looking for some excitment? Then why not join us on Saturday, February 13th at the Berea Children's Home Valentine Party? This annual February indoor event will be on Saturday, February 13th, from 11:30 A.M.--3:00 P.M. If you need a ride, please meet at church at 11:00 A.M. At the Children's Home we'll prepare and serve lunch and them move to activity centers: basketball, crafts, bingo and face painting. We will close with a brief worship service.

This is an enjoyable and meaningful day. We have plenty of opportunities to interact with the youth and show that we care for them. The adult staff at the home carefully supervise the youth and also participate in the activities. Please consider joining us in "Reflecting Christ in the Community".

We need volunteers (18 years old and older) to help Nick Berardi in the kitchen (He makes his "special spaghetti".), David Rice, Dennis O'Neil and Dave Plachta with basketball and volunteers to help with crafts, bingo and face painting.

If you would like to volunteer but are unable to join us, please be a "Baker of Cookies". The youth LOVE brownies and cookies. A sign-up sheet is posted on the hall bulletin board. If you have questions, please call MaryAnn Ratica (440)7994313 or Dave Plachta (440)331-2087.

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